Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hooray for not being sick!

Or at least not as sick as I thought I was.

I haven't felt well since Sunday. But I've been just sucking it up, taking ibuprofen and going to work. Last night I had a fever of 102. This morning it was gone and I felt much better. Aside form a sore throat.

This afternoon I noticed my glands were a bit swollen and tender. With my throat still being sore I took a good look at my throat in one of the mirrors.

My left tonsil looked like someone had painted it with White-Out.

Normally, this type of pattern means only one thing with me: strep throat.

So after I got off work I went to this urgent care center up the street to get it looked at. They took a throat culture and it came back negative for strep.

But I do have tonsillitis.

10 days on antibiotics and I'll be good as new. =]


Julie H said...

Hopefully! Hope you feel better!

Capricorn said...

lol...i didnt germ you up.

Cherlyn said...

Julie: Thanks! I feel tons better already.

Jared: haha you dork!