Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Writer's Workshop Wednesday

Letter To My 10 Year Old Self

Dear Cherlyn,

First thing's first. You know that guy your mom just started dating? Give him a chance. He's nothing like the last guy she dated, the one that hurt her so much. This one is a good one. He'll make her very happy and treat you like you were his own. So don't give him too much crap and never, ever take him for granted. I know you're concerned about him being in the military and you don't want to have to move away. But just try to see it as an adventure and make the most of it.

I also want you to know that your lack of a relationship with Dad is not your fault. Do you understand that? Not. Your. Fault. He's the one that's not worth it. Not you. You're worth so much more than he can give you.

In a few years, as you're going into 11th grade, you'll be starting at a new school. You're going to meet a guy. He'll be a Senior and you'll be in Chorus together. DO NOT GET INVOLVED WITH HIM. As much as you might like him, stay away. He will destroy the person that you are. It will take you years to undo the damage, if you ever completely do.

If you follow this advice, it will drastically change the course of your life. Hopefully in a positive way.


Rhonda said...

It's hard going back, isn't it? I wouldn't re-live it for anything!

Insane Mama said...

If only we could listen to our own warnings and advice.

Emily said...

So helpful! Now if we could only get it back in time!

scargosun said...

Oh, jeez. If I had to tell my 10 year old self who not to go out with it would be a long f-ing post.

~Sheila~ said...

That was a good post. If only we COULD go back and warn our future selves.

KatBouska said...

Awww...I had a similar situation with a step-dad I was a brat to for all the wrong reasons. One of my biggest regrets in life.

Capricorn said...

If i had to write myself a letter myself at age 10, i dont think id waste my time, because my 10yr old self would stick it in my pocket to read later, and would never get around to it, and then it would get washed....