Saturday, May 10, 2008

*insert generic title here*

I did a haircolor at work today and didn't wear gloves. I don't like wearing gloves. I can't feel what I'm doing. I now have color stains on my hands. They'll be gone in a day or two.

My thumb is about the same as it was earlier today. I had to use my older shears at work though, because it has a bigger thumb hole. My thumb is too swelled up to use my newer shears comfortably. My mom said if it's not better by Tuesday, I should see a Dr. Oh joy...

When I was counting the cash drawer tonight, I saw someone had put two $2 bills in there. I hadn't seen one of those in years.


ShelbyAnne said...

You know where $2 bills come from, don't you? THE LIQUOR STORE!! So whoever gave it to you is a BOOZER!!!!!

Just thought I'd point that out...