Friday, May 2, 2008


Nothing terribly interesting going on today so far. Found out yesterday a girl I work with needs surgery. I think she said it's scheduled for the 13th. She'll be out for about a month. We're so short-handed at work as it is, it's gonna be tough being one person down. I really hope she's going to be alright though.

My iPod froze up on me half-way through my walk this morning. Pissed me off. It'd never done that before, so I didn't know how to fix it. So I took the rest of my walk in silence. I HATE that. Of course when I got home I looked up the troubleshooting online and found out how to reset it. So now it's all good.

I just had a salad for lunch. Lettuce, carrots, cheese, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, green olives and croutons with extra virgin olive oil and red wine vinegar. Delicious.

I also got one of those Twitter accounts. It's pretty spiffy.

2 more days of work, then I'm off for 5 days. I need a break before my head explodes.


ShelbyAnne said...

Off for 5 days?! Shoot what are you gonna do will all that glorious down time? Woohoo!

I got a twitter too (or actually re-activated one I'd forgotten about) at Scargosun's example and suggestion.

My iPod does that sometimes when I'm running, and I tell you what I struggle to MOVE if I don't have music makes getting home very, very difficult, haha.

scargosun said...

Hey! Just started following you on Twitter.

You are brave with the liquid liner. I am very very bad at it.