Friday, May 2, 2008

People in Virginia Beach can not drive

On my way home from work tonight, I get behind this car in a right turn lane. The dude (I'm assuming it was a dude) stops at the light. The light turns green. The dude just sits there. I give him about 10 seconds, then I honk. Still doesn't move. 5 more seconds. I lay on the horn. The dude has the nerve to give ME the finger before taking off.

A bit later when I turn into my neighborhood, there's a truck behind me, so fucking close I can't see the headlights. I was tempted to brake-check the asshole, but I like my car. I don't want to speed up because I got a speeding ticket on that street a year and a half ago, so I wasn't about to go over 30mph. He stayed right on top of me until I turned onto my street. Jeeze...if you're gonna ride my ass, at least pull my hair...


ShelbyAnne said...

Dear, no where can people actually drive. I mean, people other than you and me.

An old-ass lady pulled out (slowly) right in front of me today, and I laid on the horn. She SLOWS DOWN and sticks her hand out the window to wave me's a narrow 2-lane street...I can't freakin go around her! So I throw up my hands and start yelling at her. I finally get to the street I'm turning onto and she keeps going. God I was so pissed.

Glad to know I wasn't the only one. =)

scargosun said...

The last line of your post is priceless. I will remember it.

I got cut off for no reason...pulling up to a red light. They NEVER even turned. I am still racking my brain about it. Obsessive, no?